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Properties Subscription*
Cost of a subscription for a trainer (for 1 year, for 20 clients) $64.99  
For 20 additional clients (only valid with a trainer’s subscription) $35  
Cost of a subscription for a Gym (for 1 year, for 100 clients, for 200
clients, for 300 clients , etc)
  155$, 255$
355$, etc
Modify Trainer’s profile
Add/Modify detailed client files
Creation of a training program
Have access to several templates of complete training programs for many sports
Creation of a diet plan
Send a training program or a diet plan to another trainer
It enables the clients to consult (photos,videos,print) of their training
programs / diet plans
Send messages to other trainers and/or to clients
Read the messages received from other trainers
Reminder service (It helps the trainer to remember specific information
(appointments, tasks, etc.) previously set
Read the messages in the Forum
Write and reply in the Forum
Performance follow-up ( to come )
Planning of the training and diets ( to come )

* Inclusive of taxes, in Canadian Dollar (CAD)